Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami inaugurated the 23rd Youth National Volleyball Championship at Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. Durin...
On behalf of Volleyball Federation of India and Uttarakhand Olympic Association, CM Dhami inaugurated the 23rd Youth National Volleyball Championship at Manoj Sarkar Sports Stadium Rudrapur after getting introduced to the players and lighting the lamp. 51 teams from 28 states are participating in the competition.
During the launch, Chief Minister Shri Dhami said that for the first time in Uttarakhand, it is a big deal to organize national volleyball at Rudrapur. He congratulated and congratulated the organizing committee and the players for this. Said that the government is doing its best to encourage talented sportspersons. Till now only those who bring medals in the Olympics were encouraged, but now with the implementation of Sports Policy 2021, players who bring medals at the national level, participating in Asian Games and bringing medals will get jobs in which 4600, 4800 and 5200 grades. Pay has been fixed.
On this occasion, MLA Shiv Arora, Mayor Rampal, Divisional Commissioner Deepak Rawat, DIG Nilesh Anand Bharane, DM Yugal Kishore Pant, CDO Ashish Bhatgai, DDO Mahesh Kumar, Uttarakhand Olympic Association General Secretary Dr. DK Singh, Volleyball Association President Mithlesh Kumar etc. were present.
- KTP Bureau