Grand Master Alfred Kleinschwarzer (Germany), President of the World Martial Arts Games Committee, said that in the recently held online boa...
The US National Director told that the 2023 World Martial Arts Games will be held in Daytona Beach, Florida in July.
The World Martial Arts Games Committee was founded in 2005 by both Freddy Kleinschwärzer (GER) and Ken Marchtaler (CAN).
The organisation is directed and managed by a committee of international representatives from across the globe from a diverse range of martial art styles and backgrounds. The events organised by the WMAGC are intentionally and purposefully inclusive of both male and female participants of all ages and abilities and from all backgrounds.
To uphold and deliver these principles of inclusivity, the WMAGC continually strives to build and develop an international collaborative network, creating cooperative working relationships and practices, where knowledge, experience and opportunities can be shared with Martial Arts organisations across the globe
The umbrella term of “Martial Arts” is intentional to ensure the diverse range of martial art styles practiced across the globe and at local level are included. The WMAGC aims to be inclusive of the variations in martial arts to ensure that the repertoire of different styles facilitates participation by all, whilst also bringing together the martial arts community to generate international, collaborative relationships.
Participation in the WMAGC events does not exclude anyone based on their gender, background, experiences, ability, opportunities, language, ethnicity, culture or beliefs. Instead it strives to ensure anyone with an interest in Martial Arts gets the opportunity to participate either as a competitor or as part of the event team.